Harvesting the homegrown
Imagine growing organic lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers all without pesticides and chemicals. Then imagine being able to harvest such vegetables without even leaving home or changing out of your pajamas to go to market....oooOooo...

Weirder Austin Permaculture, Aquaponics and Artist project
by Daryl Stewart
Weirder Austin is a community of artists and permaculturalists committed to regenerative and sustainable gardening practices - who want to expand accessibility to locally grown chem-free, non-GMO food while spreading "how-to" knowledge to all.
Arduino Aquaponics: Real-Time-Clock Part
A fundamental necessity of any controls system is the ability to track time. As far as we are aware, the Arduino has three methods it can employ:
1. Serial. Repeatedly get the time over the Serial connection.
2. External Hardware. Real-time clocks, like the ChronoDot from Macetech, establish a base time when the Arduino sketch is compiled. When you request the current time in the sketch you actually receive a time based on the time that has elapsed since compilation.
3. Ethernet. Access time using the internet NTP service.
This tutorial set focuses on option 2. In Part I we explain the basics of getting the ChronoDot set up and displaying the current time over serial. You can find more projects using the ChronoDot in our upcoming book, Automating Aquaponics with Arduino.
Greenhouse Aquaponics
What is controlled environment agriculture?
Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) is the use of technology to manipulate the growing environment to provide the conditions most desired by the plants and animals. Light, temperature, humidity, and nutrients levels are managed by the grower for optimum production. CEA is an intensive method of farming that maximizes its resources
A New Crop of Connecticut Farms Grow Produce Without Soil
Hydroponics and aquaponics make dirt-free produce possible
Ever heard of the indoor farm that didnt need any soil? Well, take a look around, because one might be springing up in your neighborhood sometime soon.
Theres a new crop of growers in Connecticut who are turning traditional farming on its head by taking plants inside and leaving the dirt at the door. Some are calling it the future of growing.
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