Farming inside the box: Urban agriculture of aquaponics
by Emily Gadekand Michelle M. Schaefer
Snow falls outside a nondescript one-story warehouse on Chicagos South Side. But inside, its the growing season. Hundreds of fish swarm and fight for food in tanks surrounded by beds of basil, rainbow chard, and mint.
Green power to grow greens
by Emily Gadekand Michelle M. Schaefer
Vertical farming indoors presents a promising solution for some of the challenges of agriculture in Chicagos cold climate. However, these solutions also come with their own set of concerns.
312 Aquaponics develops advanced aquaponic technologies for commercial urban agriculture. The application of our systems will usher in a new era of sustainable food production and distribution. ...oooOooo...
Aquaponics Makes My Basil HUGE!
Ever since our trip to the Big Island last August, we have been working on our garden. We have been applying great tips from experts at UH and local farmers to our backyard garden at the Lahaina Bungalow.
Welcome to the factory of the future: Fish farming
by Emily Gadekand Michelle M. Schaefer
While many recent college grads are searching for their first jobs or taking time off the see the world, Andrew Fernitz, Brian Watkins, Mario Spatafora and Arash Amini founded 312 Aquaponics, a for-profit company creating aquaponics systems.
Micro-Aquaponic Sculpture
When I was in high school I read about research at the University of Hawaii in small scale self contained ecosystems. The idea fascinated me so I started doing research on how I could build one. In Des Moines, Iowa, where I lived, there is a small rain forest contained in a geodesic dome called the Des Moines Botanical Center. A scientist at the center helped me with a design for a miniature version of the center with the addition of a cave environment below the terrestrial and lake environments. My design, which I built with help from my dad, was a Plexiglas dome mounted atop a box with a cylinder in the middle that served as a lake environment.
Ahead of the Class
To have your class, workshop or presentation listed, e-mail information 10 days prior to publication to kehau@mauinews.com. You may also submit it to The Maui News Virtual Newsroom at [MORE]
Dont give up on Japans kids
Last March, the president of Harvard University, Drew Gilpin Faust, visited Japan to find out for herself what has become of Japans once-vibrant contribution to American academia. The numbers of Japanese students enrolling in Harvard have declined steadily over the past decade, and in September 2009 that renowned universitys first-year intake included just one student from Japan.
Discussion Forum - Aquaponic Gardening
A community site with forums, blogs, photos, videos and more for both new and experienced aquaponic gardeners. Lets learn together!
Thanks for adding me to the group. We are in the process of finishing our four tiered raft system. Thanks Grow it right for the help. Anyone have experience with a mixed bed that use a combo of deep water culture and media? Id like to introduce worms and snails to my system. Any info?
Make Your Own Lavender Laundry Detergent--for Pennies
laundry detergent
Lavender-scented laundry detergent is a breeze to make. Photo by Povy Kendal Atchison
According to our grandmothers wisdom (and verified on thenewhomemaker.com), Monday is Wash Day. After Sundays day of rest, homemakers traditionally took on one of the weeks most difficult tasks: the laundry.
From our friends at Natural Home magazine: Leave your lips feeling luscious and quenched naturally! with this simple recipe for homemade lip balm.
Lips, au natural!
Celebrate this healthful, scrumptious herb with these recipes for everything from simple garlic dips to more elaborate garlic soup to out-of-this-world garlic ice cream!
An unpublished British study reports plastic bags are a greener option than paper or cloth.
Tell me more.

OK Guys Thats a wrap...
Happy splashing N planting
Take Care
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