I have a problem with people
This seems to be the case clearly but this post isnt about a stupid boy or just specific people. It is about a mindset. People are selfish which is clear.
Lets start with Pro-Life because I know that will get people all angry anyway. What is my issue with Pro-life? I can tell you many people that are pro-life
- eat meat (and dont buy it locally) and/or locally grown eggs
- dont stand up for animal shelters (or even help them)
- cant walk in someone elses shoes
I dont understand people that are pro-life that think its ok to take the life of another animal. Why? Because it wasnt human? What makes humans so great? You can say it is for nourishment but what about veal? It could have grown up but instead, we slaughtered it young. On top of that, large scale meat farms abuse their animals. Oh but thats ok because they arent human. Who cares what hell a life must face? It isnt human! Farm fresh eggs are often fertilized by the way.

Im not saying all of their parents should have aborted them. I respect religions and all that but I DO NOT RESPECT PEOPLE THAT PUSH THEIR BELIEFS ONTO OTHERS.
A baby is a terrible punishment for someone that was careless. Why? Because it is likely the mother will either put it up for adoption (not getting her "punishment" at all) or never take care of the kid (and the kid is the one being punished.) How many pro-life people have actually sat down and talked to people that were adopted/in foster care/in an orphanage? Im "lucky" enough to have known my fair share. I rarely hear good things about foster care (except that there are some good families) but have heard some goods and bads about adoption. Not everyone adopting is doing it for the right reason. Same with orphans. "why wasnt I good enough to be adopted?" Of course it isnt them, just most people have some funky suspicions about adopting older kids. But the self esteem issues are the same in all of them whether the issue is big or teeny, or if the person is happy-go-lucky or not.
Now my other least favorite group - Vegetarians!
Ok so not all of em are bad. My main issue with vegetarians isnt so much their diet but the why. Why are they vegetarians? I have a real big problem with the ones that do it for animal rights mostly because theyre so picky about what they eat. Some eat fish, some eat poultry....some eat anything that isnt a mammal. So what makes a mammal better than a fish or a bird?
My hate for vegans is the same. Again only the animal rights ones. It is one thing to do it because animals are being hurt but avoiding all animal products...well...
- I never considered haircuts cruel so I guess that is my problem with vegans against wool.
- Milk ducts can become swollen and painful. Best to milk that cow/goat.
- birds will lay eggs whether you like it or not. Many are not fertile unless you buy specific fertilized eggs.
Again I have no problem with religion...just those evil bastards that throw the bible at everyone and tell them theyre going to hell. Newsflash, modern day interpretations of the bible are often wrong...so wrong that it has warped what the bible says and/or why it says it. Lets take gays. I cant say I love gays or hate them. Why? Well gosh darn it theyre people and some people I like and others, not so much.
I have heard a lot of them Christian folk say gays dont deserve to live.
But that fetus does....
So lets say a woman doesnt have an abortion because the bible says its wrong BUT the kid grows up to be gay.
Now it doesnt deserve to LIVE!!!!
A little info on religious books. Back then, people were few. People didnt have technology to save them from things like cancer and all that fun stuff. When things like the flu swept through towns, it took out everyone but those strong enough to survive (AKA genetically strong enough to hold on.) When God said dont waste your seed, it wasnt because he was not into gays or masturbation, but because there were some lack of babies being born. However Im sure many people thought this was stupid at the time. Back in those days, gay sex and masturbation were common because labor could easily kill your wife. Herbal abortions were used for the same reason. Were they common? Nobody knows because it wasnt spoken of much. Also just as a random note, virgin Mary wasnt a virgin at all. Virgin simply meant young lady back in those days. Today, virgin often means "not used" such as virgin trees (not recycled) or your virgin girlfriend (never had sex.) The tree and the girlfriend can be as old as they want. In fact, today virgin is also used with guys (such as 40 year old virgin.) In general, I think we should respect all life. People ask me why Im pro choice if I think we should respect all life. In short, because I believe it is best culled before being abondoned.
What I mean is, abortions (unnatural, not miscarriage) is quite common in the animal kingdom, not just with people. However many animals will just abandon their young when a mother feels that she cannot care for it. We see this with people as well but make them feel terrible unless they put their child through the system (which is severely broken even in the best first world countries.) Yeah I disagree with it but I disagree with suffering after birth more and disagree with the broken system/emotional issues even more than that.
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