Living in Aquaponics.
Yes, I guess thats me and I wonder how many others might put their hand up.
Sure I do all the other things needed around this place, but it only takes a thought or a comment that could remotely have its roots somewhere near water, fish or plants and Im back in my happy place.
Ive had a thought and decided to attempt to scribble something about it, just to see where it takes me I guess. It goes something like this (dont forget these are only ramblings of a senile mind):
I can divide in my thinking, gardeners into two groups.
- Those who, when they started, found they could grow certain plants successfully and so they became addicted to that group possibly expanding it as they developed their expertise.
- Those who, because they had trouble with their earliest attempts at growing certain plants, became adicted to experimentation and improvement in that area.
Of course we are all capable of walking in both of those camps and need to do just that. But there are those who can go to the nursery and buy two thousand dollars worth of plants in or almost in flower, poke them in the ground, wet their heads and sit back and be proud of them.
Likewise there are some who would get no personal gratification from that what-so-ever. Of course there is no right or wrong here, only differences.
This is where gardening
O.K. the rants and raves are out of my system again, so back to work:
First up is a pdf guidebook covering A/P or at least an introduction to Aquaponics
Recipes for Success
So home-schooling
I love forums. This is where we can all Learn

This one article should keep you occupied for a month or two. In fact there are enough lin ks to keep you in QUALITY reading matter for ever and beyond.
So.........Have a great weekend
See you soon
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