(This next one might be a bit unsettling but needs to be addressed)
You know whats cool? Aquaponics.
This may seem like a random post, considering that this blog focuses on my fight with Crohns disease and my decision to use hookworms as my drug of choice. But, if you consider that it was my interest in better gardening methods that opened my mind to trying helminthic therapy, methinks this post makes sense.While talking to a college student the other day about his major in Environmental Studies, the conversation turned to the topic of aquaponics - a new word for me.
How Much Seaweed Extract... Who Do You Call.........
Aquaponics - Duckweed. Duckweed! I finally got hold of some. Ive been looking around for it for ages, but all the plant stores stock a plant that isnt really duckweed. Every single nursery...
aquaponics philippines feb 2009 | Hydroponic Gardening Review
fish,rabbit, chicken ,duck and veg system, Aquaponics is the symbiotic cultivation of plants and aquatic animals in a recirculating environment. Alternate definition:
NorCal Aquaponics is one of the first in the world to offer systems, trainings, knowledge and experience in a Permaculture based Aquaponics design methodology, we call "the Meyers System"!
HOW TO... Set Up Aquaponics, from Videomanic
First Pick Affnans Aquaponics They are ripening, those Tomatoes are ripening and I pick a few.
This is a little demo system that I have built outside of my house and an explaination as to what the hell Aquaponics is.. Also my project will...
Aquaponics Student shows aquaponics sustainable hydroponics aquaculture.
Aquaponics: How to eat healthy and support the environment
Friendly Aquaponics Tim Mann and Susanne Friend share the results of their work developing efficient and sustainable
55 GAL indoor aquaponics My 55 Gal planted/fish aquarium converted to aquaponics. I have a 10 Gal tote above with pea gravel and a bell autosiphon.
This bilingual Aquaponics and Permaculture 10-day intensive December includes 10 days of outdoor classroom instruction, and hands-on experience at the Aquaponics mini-farm located at the beautiful Ecovillage Resort of Finca Las Nubes. Students will learn about Aquaponics, Permaculture, experience luxurious eco-village living, and much more from experienced trainers & professionals sharing their knowledge and experience in Aquaponics, Permaculture, land restoration, tropical food forest, social justice and self sufficiency. You will learn the skills needed to,,,

This particular kit has 3 x 1250 ltr tanks with viewing windows, 4 x 585 ltr gravel beds and 2 x floating raft, three x 230 ltr fingerling tanks.
Plus all plumbing , pumps and so on.
Aquaponics is a wonderful educational tool that is for sure.
We decided to fill one of the tanks a few days back and throw a few fish in for some photos. See attached photos.

So I think I had better heed the warning. Hope you get a lot out of this one
Soon Guys & Gals,
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