Remember on Monday I wrote about both children and the More Mature members of our societies. Well I left out the middles. and the earlies. Say from 25 through to 50 years young. So what do I have to say about them. Plenty Brother..
For a start most people in this group are busy. They are busy from where I sit because to me, they look busy . They have lots to do, places to be, NOW. Yeah NOW is the priority in their lives because they are full of busy.
So how does a busy person have time to slow down to garden. Well! Its easy. Aquaponics....
Once an aquaponics setup has cycled and settled in, you dont have to spend hardly any time with it. Apart from selecting what we want for dinner, the only time I spend on our personal A/P unit is about 10 minutes per day and all I do is act like some commander surveying his troops. I walk around checking water levels to see if a bit of extra water is needed then I give the fish a bit of a feed, have a stroll through the grow beds checking that all is OK give the tomato plants a flick if its a Monday, (Yes Monday for me is flick day for the Tommys. Thats to spread the pollen in the air so fertilisation takes place. Just like you flick your sons ear if he needs it) Then Ill have a look through the plants for any bugs that may have found a way through the greenhouse shadecloth. There it is. A bit over an hour per week.
The only variation to that is a few seconds to adjust water flows if needed and once a week really study the fish, looking for signs of illness or stress and dealing with it as needed.
So that leaves plenty of time to go do "Busy" Plus youve provided a significant proportion of yours or your families food needs and the rest of the street as well if you are inclined that way.
Meanwhile we need to look for some new information......

Dr Wilson Lennard is an Australian scientist with a PhD in Applied Biology. He has studied and installed commercial aquaponics systems around the world. In this video clip, he turns his attention to the future of aquaponics and the threats that can set it back many years.
This was filmed at one of my Aquaponics workshops in Brisbane Australia.
Next we have a Hydroponics web site talking about...Of all things A/P
In this set-up we are using the waste from live fish to feed our veggies. In turn, the hydroton (clay balls) used as a plant medium and the plants roots filter the waste and add oxygen back into the water for the live fish to breath.
Havent been here before
Ive created a new page called Aquaponics Extras to hold a few Special Topics regarding Aquaponics and ill start off with the Duckweed topic. Duckweed is an easy, cheap and abundant food source for fish. Its very high in protein (~40%) and could clean off waste water as well.
Now from the SQUIDOO Website:
Grow plants on unfertile land with aquaponics
Next up one of the guys on FaceBook:
The FaceBook Site
If youre in or near Sydney Australia, this could interest you...
Event Description:
Every Sat, Transition Bondi and friends meet up to Learn, Dig, Play, Grow and socialize. With workshops from worm farming, to aquaponics to growing food the permaculture way. This garden is open to the public and we invite new and curious folks to try some of the yummiest fruit and vegetables grown in Bondi! We also want to share the joy of watching natures systems work, the good times!
Chatham hopes to break ground on new campus
The university has garnered $20 million to date in public and private support toward construction and program development at Eden Hall. Officials say a fundraising campaign will further support development. The ultimate dollar goal is still being decided.
The planing commission and board of supervisors in Richland will review the plan. It spans 20 years and includes about two dozen projects, from academic buildings and residences to a greenhouse, aquaponics facility and constructed wetlands.
Learn Aquaponics with Kijiji Grows
Come learn aquaponics. Explore nature and how it is harnessed through the components of a recirculating aquaponics system: aquaculture, filtration and hydroponics for numerous applications.
Now heres a guy from Western Australia. Read and enjoy and remember IT WORKS for him: my vegie garden is kinda happening, its taking me a while to get used to the raised beds to be quite honest & the formal structure. our previous vegie garden was down the back of a chook pen on 5 acres that wasnt visible from the house, it sprawled, quite often became overgrown & i just chucked things in all over the place. being confined to the raised beds is challenging me & my meandering herb garden on the ground surrounding the beds is doing far better as i just chuck things in randomly.
What is Aquaponics? (Video)
Aquaponics is a way of growing food that has a symbiotic relationship between the water, fish and vegetation. It is a wonderful alternative to other types of farming and when done well can add to the quality of our communities. ...oooOooo...
OK I think everyone is going to enjoy this one...:
ITPWC is a phytoremediation device based on the Eco-Machine systems developed by Dr. John Todd* and research done by the ITPWC team on aquaponics systems. Built in the mens bathroom on the ITP floor, our inspiration for this project was to create a system that made a positive impact on air quality while also improving the overall ambiance of the space.
Finally from E-Zine articles:

I think you have some really good fodder to chew through here
Take Care
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