so Im being super cool and giving you four blogs in one! YEAH!!!
so lets start with blog one...
Actually the birth lead to death. Turns out Navi popped out kids when she escaped her cage. However they all died except one lucky one that was holding on to dear life. I let her out to nurse him but instead she ate the face of a head...that she apparently was eating. So as far as I know she had four kittens/pups/ratlets...whatever you wanna call em. I gave this one a different section cause...it was unusual. As most of you know, I bred Eddy (a siamese) to Navi (a siamese). The outcome should have been a litter of all siamese. Babies develop the coat pattern a few days after birth. No fur...just a pattern on their skin. The survivor was all pink...meaning he was very likely a siamese (or all white...called PEW for pink eyed white). The half eaten head...was dark meaning that baby wasnt siamese. One body looked hooded or capped (black head is capped...black head with stripe like the ones usually seen in petco are hooded). The other looked to be some oddly done banned (hard to explain). In fact from my view she looked like a panda! Talk about rare...dont even think thats heard of! Navi was too into eating the dead head and not caring for the lucky survivor so I had Adam put him out. *sigh*
Blue Mourning
I didnt just lose all babies (and possible rare coat patterns) but one of my older rats died as well. one of my blue ones.
I feel even worse cause I didnt clean the cages due to all the deaths. Just needed a break.
I had orientation for my intro to computer information science class. My teacher? Bob...the whitest name ever XD. Anyway he is really cool. Well he failed in the middle of his lecture. He went on for twenty minutes about spell check but then misspelled words when trying to explain how class discussion will work.
I like Bob =]
That and his last name is Irvine. How cool is that? Youre a computer teacher and your last name is the name of a city dedicated to technology. Yeahhhh....I wanna move to Irvine methinks. Good schools for kids and I could work for GOOGLE
I dont like Raef Hall though
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Black people fail?
Nope not this time XD Its all about white people today. First someone tried to speed past me in an old mini van. Turns out it was a white dude...just so he could sit at a stop sign? yeah wtf.
So then I get on campus. Cool. My teacher failed as mentioned above. He also failed by talking about organization and misplacing stuff.
I overheard one of my classmates talking about taking only online classes so she wouldnt get lost on campus. I mean first off who was on their own and didnt get lost their first day??? Youre incredible if its YOU (and it was your first time on campus). Second...its not a big campus...can we all agree on that?
I hop on the bus to go home. This kid gets off and gets back on. HE BLOCKED THE FRONT DOOR AND GOT PISSY WHEN PEOPLE NEEDED TO GET OFF!!!!!!!! like wtf.
So Adam came over and I fed him and we went to his place. There was a girl on the freeway texting with both hands and not looking where she was going. XDDD
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