Anyway, this blog is about yesterday and this morning up until now.
So yesterday was the hardest day a long time. I had trouble getting out of bed. Just didnt really have a drive. I havent been very me-ish I hope everyone forgives me for that.
I tried to make coffee but the coffee maker had odd smoke coming out of it. OK well I was warming up old coffee from like last week to use in conditioner (which adds shine) but my coffee maker looked like it was going to blow up.
Four hours after I attempted to get out of bed, I finally got to my bus stop to go to school where I was going to finally finish my English work due. Some lady asked for the time so I told her. Big whoop right? Well then she decided to tell me her life story. Her name is Teresa and shes an alcoholic. She went to jail for drinking and just got out on parole but started drinking again.
So Im stuck talking to an alcoholic till my next bus comes. FML?
I made the mistake of telling her how I understand that getting into rehab is hard (after all I know someone that tried but didnt get in till she ended up in the hospital) and then Teresa went on and on and on blabbling drunken words...when finally my bus came. WIN
What got to me is it took her to relapse before she saw she needed help. For those of you that didnt know where my original screen name (sober drunkenness but spelled differently) came from, its from that. It was originally drunken sober but apparently at the time someone had that ID on Yahoo. Anyway it came from people like Teresa. People that become intoxicated but finally figure out what they need to do all along. Its almost like theyre blinded while sober and fail to see things how they are but see what a mess they have become once they are intoxicated again (which usually helps them stop) and thus, having drank themselves sober.
so now ya know.
Anyway while on the bus, Thim calls and says
we besta hit up the library for some junk.
Just as a not-so-side note, I figured out our problem.
So we were on our way to Arcade library (which I thought was Del Paso) to drop off books. That was cleared up and I now know that one as Arcade (or Arden Arcade) library.
Now Thim called Hagginwood, Del Paso, but is for sure not Del Paso. Hagginwood (also known as North Sacramento) is on Del Paso Ave but Del Paso library is on Grand Ave. Its the whole Sacramento being theoretically correct.
Thim, Alyssa, and I went to Hagginwood library (on Del Paso Ave) to go to an anti valentines day party (or something like that) lol. It wasnt big. It pretty much consisted of me, Thim, Alyssa, a gal that worked there, and a guy named Daniel. We played brawl and did Bingo where everyone won but Alyssa which was lame on her part. Then we had a piñata that was shaped like a heart. I was oldest so I struck first...however I hit it hard enough to destroy it in one hit. LAME.
Then I went home where I ate a crap load of junk food. Man I really need to cut back. But, I was hungry and it was the first thing I saw unfortunately.
And so now it brings us to Friday (today yay I guess maybe) and me being at grandmas. Well I was sleepy and wanted a blanket but when I went to open the door, the knob just kept turning. WTF I was locked in!!! I tried a number of things. Finally I found an old safety pin which had a mickey mouse head (most of the ink used to create the head rubbed off from it being from the 90s...yup) and opened it up to help prop the door opened
but now Im not even tired lame.
And my newest addition which JUST happened, the discovery of the most ironic computer name since windows.
From the website, Freedom is an application that disables networking on an Apple computer for up to eight hours at a time. Freedom will free you from the distractions of the internet, allowing you time to code, write, or create.
as far as the windows bit...I meant their whole saying "windows, life without walls" but how can you have windows without walls? I mean without walls you just have glass.
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