Gardening has always been spoken of as a sort of labour of love. Well that is sort of it. For some. For others, it can be variations of Love or variations of labour - Or just a various mix of both. But one thing stands out.
Aquaponics is the vehicle that can provide the easy ride for people who find gardening to be a chore or physically too demanding for whatever reason. Take children, a garden is not always an inviting adventure. The processes that we see as a means to a goal doesnt always add up to be worth the effort or the wait for kids.
Aquaponics is visual gardening with interesting management thrown in. Children can more easily chart in their minds the process as they watch and begin to understand how each step in the A/P program unfolds. Seeds, Seedlings, choices of raft or gravel or expanded clay balls, little pots with plants growing inside while roots are being observed outside the containers while water rushes through, feeding the plants as the roots of the plants help to clear and purify the water. That same water gurgles down a shoot or slipway sometimes visibly, as it heads off to a sump tank where sludge is allowed to settle then that water is off again on its journey to a tank or pond where there are real live fish swimming, cavorting, surfacing with mouths open almost saying feed me, feed me....
Or the guy of my age. Carrying injuries from a life long past of work and play. Feet, ankles legs that are swollen or aching. and the back, Oh the back. Age catching up. Age acting up. Aquaponics for me and many others is not a chore its a recreation, a hobby that is the embodiment of gardening with none of the difficulties. No bending, Raking, Shoveling, digging, squatting and trying to somehow get up with some semblance of grace or dignity without falling face first or toppling sideways totally out of control. Being able to do all those things that were taken for granted 10, 20, 30 years ago, and now to do those things better and grow vegetables faster, better and easier. Oh yes, and tastier so much more tastier.
I LOVE Aquaponics with a passion. and thats why I sit here spreading the word bring everything I can find that can help, encourage and motivate you, your Dad or Mom or your children to participate, to enjoy and hopefully love A/P as I do....Now back to play....
For everyone else, you either remember or you still have a while to go...
School aquaponics, not finished yet either!
2 pics of the aquaponics system. All in place, but plumbing not finished yet. Theres 3 1250L fish tanks, with viewing windows, and 6 540L plant grow beds. 2 of these will be filled with 19mm drainage gravel, 2 with the fancy (and expensive) expanded clay balls and 2 will be floating raft style....oooOooo...
Path to isle food security is to create local demand
Editors note: This piece was signed by the 15 agricultural industry groups listed at the end.
Hawaiis reliance upon imports is not the fault of individuals or institutions but the result of economic forces. In seeking to find alternatives to this reliance, we must bear in mind that agriculture is a diverse industry, which is a strength.

Aquaponics Workshop to Feature Dr. James Rakocy
Aquaponics workshop attendees at Nelson and Pade, Inc.’s aquaponics greenhosue.
Montello, WI (Vocus) August 12, 2010
Dr. James Rakocy, Director, Agriculture Experiment Station, University of the Virgin Islands will be co-teaching the Aquaponics and Controlled Environment Workshop offered by Nelson and Pade, Inc, Montello, WI, Sept 29 – Oct 2, 2010. During his 30-year career as a research scientist and ...
Growing Cheaper And Healthier Vegetables Using Aquaponics
Submitted by Ready Done
Tim Mann and Susanne Friend share the results of their work developing efficient and sustainable aquaponic food production systems, growing a worldwide community of organic farmers. Learn more about aquaponics...
Field Report and Recipes, January 8, 2011
Waking up to a snow covered city this morning, I happily thought of the escape from winter I made on Monday afternoon. I took a little sustainable ag field trip to White Horse, PA, to see the greenhouse where our Boston bibb lettuce grows. Sunset View Aquaponics is located about 15 minutes east of...
Video included: Anyone else have any experience with it? I just helped a buddy set up a greenhouse with an almost identical setup to the one in the videos. We used three 330 gallon tanks instead of the totes though, and tilapia instead of goldfish...
What is A/P: Land-based agriculture can be hard on the environment. Crops often use nitrogen-based fertilizers. The fertilizers seep into ground water and run into rivers and streams, where they foster the growth of aquatic plant life and algae. Excessive algae growth strips...
From historic bush block to horticultural haven
IF you are like me, you might occasionally think how much easier it would be to grow lots of food if you had a few acres in the bush.
While this may be true, what you gain on the roundabout you can lose on the swings.
Alan and Jan McKibbin bought 6.5 hectares (16 acres) at Ellalong nine years ago, thoroughly fed up with the maddening crowd, and especially the traffic, on the Central Coast.
From one of the Forums: since jan 1 weve had 477mm - most of it in the last 48 hrs -- the road to wamuran is under water - were ok - on top of a hill
my chooks have turned into ducks --
poor sods im not allowed outside - being a pom - im allergic to water!!!!
all that lovely fresh water just running out to sea -- we need HUGE dams up north -- then pump it all south following the rail line - sydney - melbourne - adelaide
water control is the key -- another snowy mountains scheme!!
Aquaponics on FaceBook:
We said it before and well say it again; Aquaponics is profitable.. but DONT quit your day job until AFTER you are in the right position...

Another Forum:Hey guys, so since most of you folks on this forum have a keen interest in ponds, or at least fish, I though i would ask you guys if you have any experience in aquaponics....
OK thats it again. Have a good day and Ill catch you later
Good planting my friends
If you ever thought you were paying to much for vegetables, keep reading.
We pay unjustified amounts of money for vegetables just because it is more convenient than finding the time and energy to grow our own......oooOooo...
Tim Mann and Susanne Friend share the results of their work developing efficient and sustainable aquaponic food production systems, growing a worldwide community of organic farmers. Learn more about aquaponics...
Field Report and Recipes, January 8, 2011
Waking up to a snow covered city this morning, I happily thought of the escape from winter I made on Monday afternoon. I took a little sustainable ag field trip to White Horse, PA, to see the greenhouse where our Boston bibb lettuce grows. Sunset View Aquaponics is located about 15 minutes east of...
Video included: Anyone else have any experience with it? I just helped a buddy set up a greenhouse with an almost identical setup to the one in the videos. We used three 330 gallon tanks instead of the totes though, and tilapia instead of goldfish...
What is A/P: Land-based agriculture can be hard on the environment. Crops often use nitrogen-based fertilizers. The fertilizers seep into ground water and run into rivers and streams, where they foster the growth of aquatic plant life and algae. Excessive algae growth strips...
From historic bush block to horticultural haven
IF you are like me, you might occasionally think how much easier it would be to grow lots of food if you had a few acres in the bush.
While this may be true, what you gain on the roundabout you can lose on the swings.
Alan and Jan McKibbin bought 6.5 hectares (16 acres) at Ellalong nine years ago, thoroughly fed up with the maddening crowd, and especially the traffic, on the Central Coast.
From one of the Forums: since jan 1 weve had 477mm - most of it in the last 48 hrs -- the road to wamuran is under water - were ok - on top of a hill
my chooks have turned into ducks --
poor sods im not allowed outside - being a pom - im allergic to water!!!!
all that lovely fresh water just running out to sea -- we need HUGE dams up north -- then pump it all south following the rail line - sydney - melbourne - adelaide
water control is the key -- another snowy mountains scheme!!
Aquaponics on FaceBook:
We said it before and well say it again; Aquaponics is profitable.. but DONT quit your day job until AFTER you are in the right position...

Another Forum:Hey guys, so since most of you folks on this forum have a keen interest in ponds, or at least fish, I though i would ask you guys if you have any experience in aquaponics....
OK thats it again. Have a good day and Ill catch you later
Good planting my friends
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