Shut up and get to work:
Aquaponics as an Energy Source
Aha! I prbably got lots of you with that title! Hehe. You are probably wondering what in the world I am talking about. I know it is a bit deceiving, but its what came to mind as I wanted to blog some more about my aquaponics experience. Aquaponics has certainly been a personal energy source for me, hence the...
Aquaponics for Beginners
By Michael Harradine
Aquaponics is a great way for beginners to get into organic food growth. A system is very easy to set up and can be as big or as small as you want.
If you are a total beginner and this is your first crack at aquaponics then I suggest you start small. This is because when you are new to something mistakes are easily made and...

fish / vegetables through aquaponics
By brent | Published: February 7, 2011
Nelson and Pade, Inc. has begun construction on a Living Food BankTM aquaponic system at the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. The system is complete with a tropical greenhouse and stand-alone energy system. The aquaponic system is designed to grow tilapia, a fresh water fish and a variety of vegetables. This is the first phase of a large-scale project.
Aquaponics Online Classes
For everyones convenience, we now offer our Introduction to Aquaponics course online. This course covers all of the material normally covered in our Denver based class. The course is split into two sessions with each session being approximately two hours in length.
Aquaponics using Recycled Materials
An Improved Small Scale Aquaponics System Design for Fish and Vegetable Cultivation Using Recycled Materials
This project was done by my students in Muntinlupa National High School, with me as their research adviser.
(Researchers: Picardal, Regalario, Granada, Mendoza)
Through the course of the study of...
Six Great Midwestern Farmers
GOOD EARTH: By this time of year, one of the advantages of living in the Midwest is abundantly clear: farmers markets in every corner of Chicago brim with the seasons freshest offerings. Meet six dedicated land lovers who make summer delicious
By Karin Horgan Sullivan
Growing Power: Will Allen
Most of us dont expect that performing a simple act of kindness will someday lead to recognition as a genius (by the MacArthur Foundation), showers of money (more than $1 million in grant funds), and working relationships with a former president (Bill Clinton) and a current First Lady (Michelle Obama). But thats what happened to Will Allen, former professional basketball player and...
Growing Future Farmers
Ag tourism, marketing leaders are planting, watering seeds of interest with isle students
February 13, 2011 - By KEHAULANI CERIZO, Staff Writer
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KAHULUI - At first glance, its hard to recognize the plot of land in Kahului filled with weeds, grass and natural debris. On second look, a couple picnic benches come into view and the nearby area, which was once a thriving banana plantation, becomes slightly more discernible.
However - the only thing Pomai and Lani Weigert see at the Maui High School farmland - is potential, acres and acres of it.

Fishing for jobs
Aquaculture could hold potential for growth
Americans consume an average of just under 16 pounds of seafood per person a year, making the United States the worlds third largest consumer of fish and shell fish - behind China and Japan.
Yet 84 percent of our seafood is imported, according to the U.S. Commerce Departments National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Ten years ago, only about....
Advantages Of Aquaponics Over Hydroponics
By Allen M Wilson Platinum Quality Author
Hydroponics has become a popular way to grow plants and it has its advantages. But there are also some disadvantages that have turned many people off from hydroponics. Aquaponics is quickly becoming an an alternative to conventional hydroponics for growing truly organic food and...
Aquaponics 101 Part Three: The System, Continued
Via American Preppers Network
Post by: AquaponicsUSA
This is the third in a series of posts that are...
Aquaponic Trainings
Green Acre Organics offers trainings from micro systems to commercial systems. As a Friendly Aquaponics affiliate, Green Acre Organics teaches the same courses in Florida as offered in Hawaii.
And now one or two Associated items
Ideas for a Sustainable World: Envisioning Beauty and Abundance
The following is an excerpt from Beautiful and Abundant: Building the World We Want by Bryan Welch (B&A Books, 2010). Through telling the stories of farmers, gardeners, inventors and entrepreneurs, Beautiful and Abundant cuts through the pessimism and denial that tend to pervade todays discussions of sustainability, and...
Ginger: A Natural Remedy for Motion Sickness
Ginger is a great remedy for motion sickness and troubled tummies. Cultivated for millennia in the Far East, this useful root was approved by the German Commission E to prevent motion sickness and dyspepsia.[MORE]

Soon My Friends
Take Care
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