Now to work:
Farm tourism in full bloom in rural San Diego -- Some local farm tours to try, too...
By Don Curlee and Ah-Ha Farm Beat
San Diego County contains more small farms than any other U.S. county, according to the county Farm Bureau. Its home to about 6,000 farmers and 6,565 small family farms and is the countrys top producer of avocados and nursery crops. Farming contributes $5.1 billion in annual value to the countys economy, according to the Farm Bureau. It takes the $1.5 billion value of the countys crops and multiplies by 3.4 to obtain a total economic value for agriculture.
From the forums
Hello from Tokyo
My Name is Alfred and i live in Tokyo.
I am Austrian ,30 years in Japan and very interested in Aquaponics since last year.I think there are no Aquaponicer in Japan(maybe i am wrong)so please correct me.
Worked for 30 years in the Restaurant buisenesse in Tokyo.
Lately i talked with some people about Aquaponics and found a view friends.
I am thinking about a commercial system wich will be succsesful.
I running allready a 1000 liter system and looking forwards to a bigger one.[MORE]
Future vision elaborated, I hope.
I will try to get some more detailed thoughts into my line of discussion around driving forces for aquaponic production. Im not sure if this was EXACTLY the section that I was asked to expand, but if it is, I hope this helps.
By now many people know that I think the world has gone mad and that in some way, I blame the marketing crowd for that. Humanity has ended up on a treadmill of 24 hour production and income generation, but for all the wrong reasons[MORE]
Search Results - aquaponics system
Oh Yes, plenty of information HERE
Aquaponics will change how we get our food
By: Ben Scheelk
Its that unremitting sound, the endless gurgling of water as it runs off the improvised rockwool filtration system, which always reminds me that my roommate is saving the world. Well, maybe not directly, but he is experimenting with an old idea in a bold and innovative way that has the potential to revolutionize how much of the worlds population gets its food.
Its called aquaponics, and the idea is to create a[MORE]
My future vision for aquaponics
For the photo competition, we were asked to select up to five different pictures from members that we believed represents the future of aquaponics. This got my head going, and I eventually selected some pictures that represented the following trends:
Online Introduction to Aquaponics Workshop
Time: March 8, 2011 from 6pm to 8pm
Location: online
City/Town: anywhere USA
Website or Map: http://www.coloradoaquaponics
Phone: 720-470-7007
Event Type: training, workshop
Organized By: Tawnya Sawyer
Latest Activity: 13 hours ago
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Location: online
City/Town: anywhere USA
Website or Map: http://www.coloradoaquaponics
Phone: 720-470-7007
Event Type: training, workshop
Organized By: Tawnya Sawyer
Latest Activity: 13 hours ago
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Event Description
The interest in aquaponics is growing rapidly, but not everyone gets a chance to attend a class. During two evening web based sessions the Introduction to Aquaponics workshops will cover :
Benefits of Aquaponics
System Components
System Designs
Fish Selection and Health
Plant Selection and Health
Bacteria and the Nitrification Cycle
System Design Ratios
System Startup Procedures
Ongoing Maintenance Procedures
Tips and Tricks For MORE

Aquaponics?Integration of Hydroponics with Aquaculture
Aquaponics is a bio-integrated system that links recirculating aquaculture with hydroponicvegetable, flower, and/or herb production. Recent advances by researchers and growers alike
have turned aquaponics into a working model of sustainable food production. This publicationprovides an introduction to aquaponics with brief profiles of working units around the country.
An extensive list of resources points the reader to print and Web-based educational materials forfurther technical assistance.
In restoration, hands get wet and brains fed
By ILIMA LOOMIS, Staff Writer
LANAI CITY - While conservationists work to restore the native watershed on Lanaihale tree by tree, theyre getting some help from students at Lanai High and Elementary School.
For the past two years, science teacher Lisa Galloway has been getting her students out of the classroom and into the greenhouse, where they learn ecology and also grow seedlings for the watershed restoration effort.
Tropical Aquaponics
Challenges and Opportunities for Aquaponics in the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Clyde S. Tamaru, Bradley Fox, Marissa Lee,
Now this new section, where we try to find articles that nare primarily of interest to the everyday gardener, which however we feel could be of interest or help in broadening ourunderstanding of what, why and how Aquapods do things.
Lets Talk Seeds
With warmer weather just around the corner (we hope), many of us turn our thoughts to gardening, and to those lovely seed catalogs calling our names. Learn more about seed saving from a professional, and meet two new bloggers, Amy and Lawrence, who both talk seeds in their first posts. More...
Where Theres Muck Theres Brass
In this newsletter, well discuss various types of compost and whether or not to feed seedlings are we killing them with kindness?
Compost the earth in bags from the garden centre!
Where theres muck theres brass the old saying is true when it comes to buying compost. It is expensive and large pots and containers need lots of it!
Thats it for another day
See You Soon

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