Have I told you lately that I think people are stupid?
Not all people. I could easily classify my dearest loving dog as stupid as well (seeing as he is now sick because he took off in the rain...and decided to stand in the rain the entire 2 hours he was missing.) BUT it doesnt mean all dogs are stupid now does it? It also doesnt mean he is stupid...just in that sort of way. Before starting this blog, Id like to note that I dont see myself as perfect. Im entirely stupid at things as well...mostly math.

At the same time, I bet you 99% of these women shop at a supermarket. Now most things have to be bought at a store but a good portion of things can be bought at specialty markets. I have learned that you can often find the best things at family owned markets...just ask me about my airsoft guns. Yeah only one of them is actually sold at a chain store....Back on topic, we know most "associates" are degraded at work. We feel porn stars are degraded and protest against porn. We KNOW a lot of workers at stores are degraded but just look the other way.
Oh and dont use the excuse that ya didnt know. We ALL know aboutWal-Mart.
Let me tell everyone about working at Hell-Mart. First, you are an object. You are expected to put out more work than you are paid for (like a computer...you dont pay em but they put out work for you.)
Wait but isnt making someone an object why we hate porn?

Dont be silly...EVERYTHING you find in a grocery store could either be made or found at a family owned shop/farmers market that doesnt spit on their employees. Yes many are hard to find but clearly everyone reading this has some way to access the internet. Get to searching. No things like crackers and cheez its often cant be bought (unless its the organic kind) but these really arent that hard to make anyway. Yes it requires work. Put down the remote and spend time with family (or by yourself) making some.
What really irritates me is people in rural areas. Rural areas are rural. Things arent supposed to be ultra close. This is why people move out there to begin with. Moving to the city is not more expensive, just new. How nice would it be to be able to take public transit places? It saves on gas....
So before you tell someone about how something is terrible and they shouldnt support it, think. Are you supporting the same thing with just a different tag?
By the way, the site I stole that anti porn picture from says that porn kills the soul. Yeah so does working at Hell-Mart. I have never been so sick in my entire life. Oh but its ok because the bible isnt against Wal-Mart...I guess....
Id also like to add that women tend to degrade themselves. This deeply angers me. I was told by another associate that we have guys to do the work girls cant do.
Seeing as this isnt a sperm bank, I dont think there is any work that a girl cannot do. Just saying.
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